Cycling on roads of chaos (Beijing day #3)


Deze galerij bevat 17 foto's.

Lazy Monday started around 11 o’clock. Together with Jeroen, Peter and I went out for breakfast. We went to a Japanese curry place (curry house Coco) for breakfast. The restaurant was located under an expensive western shoppingmall. The prices for … Lees verder

Eating scorpions (Beijing day #2)


Deze galerij bevat 28 foto's.

We started this morning with a simple but nice dumpling breakfast/lunch with Jeroen and Hiu. Jeroen ordered four different dumpling dishes. Two vegetarian and two with pork. I tried them all and they tasted delicious! 798 Art District It’s Sunday, … Lees verder

Restaurant Yamazato


Deze galerij bevat 15 foto's.

Marriage comes with a lot of benefits. I will write a blog about my wedding but for now, I just share my experience of one of the biggest surprises from our friends! They gave us an amazing dinner voucher for … Lees verder

After dinner talk drinks

I have a sweet and strong sister. Besides that, she is an intelligent woman with a clear vision of what’s good and what’s not. You would think that she would never voluntarily go to a bad movie. You would not guess that it actually was her idea to go to a bad movie! My sister and I, as well as my neighbours, have a weak spot for dance movies. Many people, including my love I Chu, declare us crazy.

Body Language
Last Tuesday, we planned to go to a Dutch Movie called ‘Body Language’. On the IMDB-website the movie is rated with a 3.5, which is very bad! Originally, we planned to go one week earlier, but we had to reschedule our appointment. One week later, both of us thought that the movie would be shown on the same time in the same cinema. Shortly before we left, I checked my cinema app on my Iphone. I found out that the movie was no longer in cinema.

Fish dish restaurant

After we looked at each other with stupid expressions on our faces, we decided to change plans and to have dinner instead! I remembered that one of my former colleagues once posted a good review on Facebook about restaurant Stork. This fish restaurant is located on ‘the other side’ of the river “IJ”, which separates the Amsterdam city centre from Amsterdam North. The old factories are renovated and now function as creative hotspots and business playgrounds for famous companies such as MTV and Redbull.

After dinner talk drinks
We had a great evening! Sometimes plan B is just better than plan A. After our dinner, I wrote the following review on the Dutch restaurants review website: “Iens” (translated):

“We had dinner here on Tuesday night (8 November 2011). The staff is friendly and the location is fantastic. I love the industrial Berlin-like look & feel. The parking should be lit more. We chose a three-course menu. As a starter, we had the pumpkin soup with mussels, sea bass as main course and Greek yoghurt parfait as a dessert. The appetizer and the dessert were great! The risotto that came with the main course was not cooked well, and the tomato sauce was a bit too simple. The sauce on the side was nice, but a little too sour. Because of the risotto, we were compensated with some after dinner talk drinks, so we were happy. The price-quality is okay, top service and ultimate location. I am curious about the other dishes. All in all worth trying again!”

Tasty chicken feet

Chinese food from my family

When I was at the age of 12, I used to be in love with a Chinese girl for three years. I was never able to conquer her heart, but the good thing is that her brother became one of my best friends! After this first dissapointment in love, I had some Dutch awesome girlfriends, but then there was a love at first sight. More than nine years ago, I met a beautiful Chinese girl who I still adore, and even married with two months ago. She is very special and very intelligent!

Chinese habits
After all those years, I still don’t speak Chinese and many traditional Chinese habits are still a mystery to me. I don’t understand why you have to wear specific brands to get a good reputation and respect from family and friends. And why are Chinese people giving each other a lot of money on a wedding? (there is a complete financial department to administrate who gave how much money!) Why do Chinese people have expensive cars but often have simple home furniture? Why don’t they talk openly about issues to prevent big drama in the long term? Why do they get slightly annoyed when you want to pay for your own meal in an expensive restaurant or politely refuse their overwhelming generosity? I understand it a little bit now, but this was a whole different world to me, as a Dutch guy.

Legs of a frog
What I completely understand is their food! It’s delicious and full of flavour. Sometimes the food is a little strange too. For example, they eat chicken feet! I have never eaten this before, but the Chinese love the strangely looking boney (jelly-like) meat between the chicken toes. In China they even eat dogs, or beaver-like animals that you can actually choose from the cages in front of the restaurants. I even saw someone cutting of the legs of a frog, in the middle of a street in Shanghai! In Beijing, there is a market where they sell scorpions on a stick, and I saw that they were still moving!

bitter melon

The Chinese food that my mother-in-law cooks is simply amazing! She is originally from Wenzhou. I once asked her, translated by one of my sisters-in-law, what the name is of the typical cooking style, but she just said: “It’s from Wenzhou”. I think the Wenzhou-kitchen is in between the Shanghai kitchen (a lot of fish) and the typical Cantonese kitchen. My favourite dish is the stir-fried lobster with ginger and garlic, but her prawns in sweet tomato sauce are also delicious! She also grows some sort of cabbage (bitter melon) in her garden. It tastes like zucchini (courgette) but it looks really fake (like plastic). And it’s so yummie!

Father and mother in law and my mom by Sebastian Quirijnen - Sensus fotografie

Food magic
Sometimes, I try to make her dishes myself at home, but of course they never taste so good like hers. When I ask her if she can teach me more about her food magic, all she says is: “If you want my food, you come to my house.”

Mona toetjes ongezond… (Dutch)

…dat zou volgens veel bronnen kunnen! Voeding is marketing. Maak je verpakking rood en je valt beter op in de schappen. Een lichtblauwe verpakking is gezond, want blauw staat voor ‘light’ en dat is goed om je vetpercentage in balans te houden. En ben je een echte gezinsman, dan zorg je ervoor dat er na het avondeten een Mona toetje op tafel staat. Daar worden jij en je kinderen namelijk blij van. Stoere mannen drinken Coca Cola Zero, want dan level je met die verstandige slanke babes die daar natuurlijk als een blok voor vallen. Het is inderdaad ontzettend verleidelijk!

Aspartaam in Yoki Mona toetje

Regular graag
Ik steek niet onder stoelen of banken dat mijn favoriete cola die van de Coca Cola Company is! Het is heerljik om af en toe zo’n ijskoud drankje te drinken! Het liefst drink ik Coca Cola uit zo’n klein glazen flesje waar de druppeltjes zo mooi langs glijden. Het heeft bijna het erotische van de Zero variant, maar als ik Coca Cola drink dan drink ik ALTIJD regular, met lekker veel suiker! Pepsi vind ik voor puberende Radio 538-luisteraars. Zelf ben ik meer een 3FM luisteraar. Maar ik dwaal verschrikkelijk af!

Coca Cola flesje

Herkouwende koe
Je hebt een keus, zo vertelde de helpdeskmedewerker van FrieslandCampina aan mij. En dat is zeker zo! Je hoeft geen Optimel te kopen of als een koe te herkauwen op een stukje rubber met mintsmaak (kauwgum). Eigenlijk zou je niet voor de keuze hoeven staan. Je moet er op kunnen vertrouwen dat fabrikanten hun verantwoordelijkheid nemen door geen troep aan je te verkopen. In die zogenaamde gezonde light producten zit namelijk Aspartaam ook wel Nutrasweet, E951 of simpelweg zoetstof.

‘Zoete’ ziektes:
“Aspartaam kan hoofdpijn / migraine, duizeligheid, aanvallen, misselijkheid, gevoelloosheid, krampachtige bewegingen van de spieren, gewichtstoename, uitslag, depressie, vermoeidheid, irritatie, hartkloppingen, slapeloosheid, gezichtsproblemen, gehoorverlies, harttrillingen, ademhalingsmoeilijkheden, ongerustheidsaanvallen, onduidelijk spraakvermogen, smaakverlies, oorsuizingen, duizelingen, geheugenverlies en gewrichtspijn veroorzaken.

Het kan chronische ziektes veroorzaken en versterken zoals hersentumoren, multiple sclerose, epilepsie, het chronische vermoeidheidssyndroom, Parkinson, Alzheimer, verstandelijke achteruitgang, lymfoom, geboortebeschadigingen, fibromyalgie, hersenkanker, en suikerziekte.”

Vooral voor baby’s, kinderen, zwangere vrouwen en ouderen is de werking van de stof vernietigend.

Candarel zoetstof suikervervanger

Stimuleert de dood
“Teveel aspartaat (onderdeel van aspartaam) in de hersenen vernietigt bepaalde neuronen (zenuwcellen) door de toelating van een stroom van teveel calcium in de cellen. Hierdoor worden zenuwcellen vernietigd. De schade aan de zenuwcellen die veroorzaakt kan zijn door buitensporig aspartaat is de reden waarom gesproken wordt van ‘exci­totoxines’. Ze wekken de zenuwcellen op of stimuleren de dood.”

bron: stichting natuurlijk welzijn (door: Beyond Medicine)

De Natuurwinkel

De natuurwinkel
Zelf proberen we thuis steeds bewuster met voedsel om te gaan. Zo kopen we veel biologische producten bij de natuurwinkel. Deze voeding is vaak ook veel lekkerder! Een vriend van me noemt me regelmatig gekscherend ‘geitenwollen sok’, maar eet ondertussen wel regelmatig met veel smaak zijn bord bij ons leeg. Ik denk dat hoe meer mensen bewuster omgaan met voeding, hoe betaalbaarder goede producten worden en hoe meer fabrikanten gedwongen worden terug te gaan naar pure producten zonder vergif, dat aspartaam eigenlijk wel is.

Een lijst met producten waarin zoetstoffen zitten vind je hier.

Momenteel doet de EU opnieuw onderzoek naar Aspartaam.